Asbestos Inspection Adelaide: Accurate Asbestos Inspection Adelaide

Homeowners undertaking major home renovations must engage a licensed asbestos removalist to perform work on their property. It ensures that work health and safety (WHS) laws are followed to prevent the accidental release of asbestos fibres into the air.

accurate asbestos inspection Adelaide	Homes built before stricter asbestos measures were adopted will likely contain chrysotile, amosite and crocidolite asbestos. Asbestos testing services are, therefore, vitally important. For an accurate asbestos inspection Adelaide, check this out.

Identifying Asbestos

While only a licensed asbestos professional can confirm the presence of asbestos, there are some tell-tale signs Tradies should look out for. Asbestos is a dangerous material that can cause life-threatening illnesses when inhaled. The tiny fibres are hard to see and can cling to the lungs. It can lead to a variety of diseases, including cancer, lung disease, and even death.

It’s essential to have any suspected asbestos tested by a NATA-accredited laboratory. The most common form of asbestos is chrysotile (white), found in ceilings, roofs, walls, and flooring. Other forms of asbestos include amosite and crocidolite, usually found in heating pipes and ductwork.

Jim’s Building Inspections offers two different Asbestos Inspection packages. Our Visual Only report looks at all areas of the property suspected of asbestos and provides a management strategy depending on the results. The Visual + Samples package also includes a risk assessment, but samples are sent away to be tested in a NATA-approved lab, which can take up to 3-5 days.

Asbestos Testing

For over a century, the naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral asbestos was used in various construction materials, primarily due to its strength and heat resistance. Asbestos was found in flooring (including vinyl tiles), ceiling materials, popcorn ceilings, ductwork and concrete. While it was once a popular building material, it is now banned and is known to cause lung-scarring illnesses and cancer. For an accurate asbestos inspection Adelaide, check this out.

If you are planning renovations or buying a property, conducting a professional asbestos inspection and testing of materials on your property is best. The experts will carefully take samples of suspect materials without any risk to your health and then send them to a laboratory for analysis. It will identify any friable or non-friable asbestos. The laboratory uses TEM and PCM to detect asbestos fibres in bulk materials or air samples. The results will indicate whether the asbestos is regulated or not. It is important because the presence of any form of asbestos requires special handling and disposal.

Asbestos Removal

Asbestos becomes dangerous when it is released into the air. Its fibres can be inhaled and cause life-threatening diseases like mesothelioma, pleural plaques and lung cancer. Only licensed professionals can remove asbestos and safely dispose of it in an approved waste management facility.

Homeowners can hire asbestos professionals for various purposes, including identifying and testing suspected asbestos materials in their homes. Some services also provide a pre-sale report and re-inspections and may offer advice on minimising the risk of asbestos.

It is essential to choose an asbestos professional with experience and accreditation. There have been reports of unlicensed companies that encouraged unnecessary removals or performed them improperly. Before hiring a contractor, check their history with local air pollution control boards and the Better Business Bureau.

Asbestos Remediation

If asbestos is in good condition and won’t be disturbed (by remodelling, for example), there’s usually no need to do anything. However, any material slightly damaged or subject to a lot of vibration or air flow may release asbestos fibres, so a licensed professional should repair it. Repair usually involves either sealing or covering the material.

When conducting asbestos remediation, professionals will isolate the infected area with tarps and heavy-duty adhesives to prevent dirty air from reaching clean areas. They’ll also cut off the building’s HVAC system to prevent the spread of asbestos particles. They’ll mark infected areas, allowing abatement technicians an efficient path to follow.