Varicose Vein Treatment Adelaide: Varicose Vein Treatment Clinic Adelaide

Varicose vein treatment clinic Adelaide offers a variety of effective treatments for varicose and spider veins. These treatments are less invasive and offer relief from symptoms and improved appearance.

varicose vein treatment clinic AdelaideEwan Macaulay is a Vascular Surgeon who specialises in non-surgical varicose vein treatment. He practices ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy. This minimally invasive procedure involves injecting the abnormal varicose vein with an irritating solution, which causes the vein to collapse and disappear. For more varicose vein treatment clinic Adelaide, check this out.


Varicose vein treatment can be costly, but many people who undergo the procedure are eligible for Medicare rebates. The amount you receive depends on your insurance plan and the severity of your condition—several types of varicose vein treatments like sclerotherapy and laser treatment.

These methods are much less invasive than surgical procedures and require little to no downtime. They can also reduce the pain and discomfort associated with varicose veins. In addition, they may prevent further complications, such as phlebitis, blood clots, and dermatitis.

Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical technique that involves injecting a solution into varicose veins. It causes the veins to close and eventually disappear. It can be used to treat small varicose and spider veins and larger ones that are causing symptoms. It is usually done by a qualified doctor who has undergone training in phlebology. The doctor will evaluate your condition and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Suitable patients

Varicose veins are the swollen and twisted veins that you see in your leg that are developed when the one-way valves in the blood vessels become weak. This condition is called Chronic Venous Insufficiency, and the weakened valves prevent the proper flow of blood through the veins. Over time, this causes the veins to enlarge and become swollen. It is a widespread problem and can be treated by phlebologists. For more varicose vein treatment clinic Adelaide, check this out.

Treatment options for varicose veins have evolved significantly in the last twenty years. Before this, the only option was surgery in a hospital under general anaesthesia and prolonged recovery. Now, there are minimally invasive treatments available at private clinics.

A safe duplex ultrasound scan, followed by a consultation with a Phlebologist, is the best way to determine if you are a candidate for varicose vein treatment. These professionals are medically qualified doctors who specialise in diagnosing and treating vascular diseases, as well as varicose veins. They have extensive training in this area and are members of the Australasian College of Phlebology.


Varicose veins are those visible twisted and enlarged veins that appear on the surface of your skin. They can be painful, and some people feel embarrassed about their appearance. However, treatment for these conditions has become more accessible and affordable in recent years. It is now possible to undergo non-surgical procedures at a private clinic; most healthcare insurance providers cover them.

Depending on your diagnosis, there are several treatments for varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is proven to be a safe and minimally invasive procedure. It involves injecting a sclerosant into the abnormal vein. It causes a change in the vein lining, and the vein collapses and eventually disappears over time. Another option is Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA)—this short outpatient procedure under local anaesthetic suits more prominent varicose veins.

Post-treatment care

Varicose veins are a medical condition that affects the walls of your blood vessels. These veins allow blood flow in only one direction, but weakened valves can cause them to leak backward and accumulate inside the tissue, leading to swelling, pain, and other symptoms. Fortunately, non-surgical treatment options have significantly advanced in recent years. They are more effective than surgical treatments and require minimal recovery time.

A doctor can use ultrasound technology to diagnose the type of varicose veins you have and then plan treatment for your specific needs. He may recommend sclerotherapy or endovenous laser ablation (EVLA). The latter procedure is the most effective treatment for large varicose veins. For more varicose vein treatment clinic Adelaide, check this out.